Patient Transport Request
Our call handlers are available 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday on 07873 497 633.
Outside these hours you can leave a message but please ensure you include a contact telephone number so we can you you back.
Or you can click here to send us an email.
We can take you to hospital outpatient appointments seven days a week but this is always subject to volunteer driver availability.
Please try to give us at least 72 hours notice.
Our service covers the main hospitals in the local area (Luton & Dunstable, Milton Keynes, Stoke Mandeville, Bedford, High Wycombe and Amersham) plus other locations where NHS outpatient clinics are held.
Our friendly call handlers can give you more details.

Is It a Free Service
Milton Keynes. £12
Luton and Dunstable. £12
Stoke Mandeville. £15
Amersham. £25
Bedford. £20
High Wycombe. £25
Our drivers get free parking at all the locations we go to on a regular basis.

Will you wait for me?
Our drivers will collect you and take you safely to your appointment. If you'd like us to, we'll escort you to the right department subject to any COVID related restrictions at the hospital.
We are happy to wait with you there or, if you're going to be a long time, we can come back to collect you later.
If we can't stay with you, we'll give you a number to call us on once you are ready to go back home.

Blue Badge Holders
If you have a valid Blue Badge, please bring it with you for your trip. This will allow your driver to park closer to the hospital entrance in most cases, and to park in a disabled parking bay which is often free of charge.
We will always return the badge to you when we take you home.