What do you want to do today . . .

To request a lift to your local hospital appointment CLICK HERE
We ask all users of the service to give their driver a voluntary donation towards the cost of the journey. This is purely to cover expenses of fuel, parking fees, if any, and administration costs.
You may be able to reclaim a donation made to LBVPT from the NHS.
CLICK HERE for details and refund info

We need volunteers to help us to make this community scheme a success, can you help please?
Just an hour or two a week will help us to help our community
CLICK HERE to find out how to join us

Leighton Buzzard Voluntary Patient Transport (LBVPT) provides transport to local hospitals for the elderly and vulnerable who can't get to them without assistance and who don't qualify for NHS help.
Travel to a hospital appointment can be particularly difficult for some elderly or vulnerable adults in our community, especially those who cannot afford a taxi, who find public transport difficult to use or who unable to get lifts.
LBVPT is operated by volunteers and provides a safe, inexpensive and reliable means of transport to our local hospitals for those in need to attend a clinic appointment. We go to our local hospitals and not to dentist, optician or doctors appointments.